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Our People


 Shortly after beginning our business over 30 years ago, we saw that we could be the premier commercial cleaning model by doing Some things better than anyone else: 

PEOPLE: By hiring the best employees possible and impacting their lives in a positive manner. We do background checks on every employee we hire to insure the best quality individuals possible for your location.

Employee Training


TRAINING: By continuously training our people with the highest of standards. 

We start training in our office, explaining the basics of our system of cleaning. Then, We train on the job by supervising for a period of days to insure our system is being followed to the letter.



ACCOUNTABILITY: By hiring the right employees, continuous training, recording quality control through management and providing the latest techniques and equipment we hold our people and Management accountable.



 QUALITY: With weekly quality control we are able to monitor job performance and catch ultimate problems before they happen.  



 TECHNOLOGY: By providing our staff with the most up to date equipment and technology.  

Customers Questions


Customers have questions, We have answers. Please contact us at 706 625 8895 x 1005 or email us at

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